Saturday, April 17, 2010

The truth about Mac malware. It's a joke - War on Error - Blogs - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts -

The truth about Mac malware. It's a joke - War on Error - Blogs - Technology Blog and Community from IT Experts -

There are less then 200 Mac malware (that’s viruses, worms, Trojans, etc) programs. Having researched these a bit further as many were unfamiliar, I discovered that they are all years old, some going back as far as a decade or more. Study the list closely and you see that many of them are variants, that is slightly different versions of the same piece of code.

As impressively long as the list looks, this is in fact a fair chunk of ALL the malware that has afflicted the Mac in the last decade. Is this the best the Mac malware writers can do? One of the examples is a reheated virus from - no kidding - 1989."

"Apple antivirus company Intego has discovered a backdoor malware attack targeting Mac users OSX.HellRTS.D. As with so many of the small number of Mac-specific malware attacks that come up from time to time, this one is a variant of an attack from 2004, the company said, which will sound quaint to Windows users hit by thousands of variants on most days."

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