Saturday, October 31, 2009
TechTV Geeks make good: Leo Laporte Makes $1.5 Million Per Year from Podcasting
Friday, October 30, 2009
InfoWorld: Snow Leopard beats Windows 7
PC vs. Mac deathmatch: Snow Leopard beats Windows 7
"Windows 7 was built to fix the problems that plagued Vista, and it unquestionably succeeds in doing that. It's a bit less bloated, and it runs a bit faster. The annoying security alerts from User Account Control have been quieted. And the compatibility issues with third-party software and hardware device drivers have largely been ironed away; after all, it's been two and a half years since Vista debuted. Windows 7 even includes a virtual "XP mode" for running legacy programs.
[ Which is better? The Mac OS and Windows 7 UIs face off. | GetInfoWorld's 21-page hands-on look at the next version of Windows, from InfoWorld’s editors and contributors. | Find out what's new, what's wrong, and what's good about Windows 7 in InfoWorld's "Windows 7: The essential guide." ]
Windows 7 goes a few steps beyond merely repairing Vista. It borrows --and improves on -- tricks from the Mac's playbook to make it easier and faster to organize files and launch programs. Like Apple's operating system, Windows 7 not only looks good, but it has tools and shortcuts that help you work more efficiently. If there were ever a Windows that could challenge Mac OS X, Windows 7 is it.
Still, once you've had Mac, can you ever go back?"
Read the full story at InfoWorld
Thursday, October 29, 2009
How To: Hackintosh a Dell Mini 10v Into the Ultimate Snow Leopard Netbook
Last time we threw together a guide like this, things were different. Snow Leopardwas but a glint in Steve Jobs' eye, and in terms of hardware, the Mini 9 was the best thing going—it was pretty much the only netbook you could guarantee would work perfectly. Not to mention the hackintosh process was much, much more complicated. And riskier! And yet, despite all this, it was easy to recommend loading a Mini up with OS X, because to put it bluntly, the results were fantastic.
But the Mini 9 was a bit too small for regular use, and even if it's still pretty easy to buy one, it's not officially part of Dell's product line anymore. Fast forward to now: the Mini 10v is a (quite similar) replacement for the 9, with a slightly larger screen, 160GB HDD standard, and 1GB or RAM. Most importantly, the keyboard is a bit larger, and the price is wonderfully low: $300 for a netbook that's completely ready for hackintoshing. Or to put it another way, the 10v is a $300 Apple netbook.
Read the full story at Gizmodo
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Apple Powerhouse on Nasdaq
It's no surprise that Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) crushed its fourth-quarter earnings estimate. The company delivered earnings of $1.67 billion, up 47% from last year on an earnings-per-share basis. To understand why Apple's crushed earnings predictions were no shock, take a look at the business model that telegraphed the punches behind what Apple called its most profitable quarter ever.
Apple's core competency is innovative design and technology. That's the spirit behind its famous "Think Different" ad campaign. Apple introduces products that truly wow the market. Think back to the Macintosh in 1984 -- the first affordable computer with a graphical user interface (GUI). Today, the iPhone challenges the definition of a phone, by combining a portable digital media player, Internet client, GPS navigator, camera, and ... um ... oh yeah, a phone. Not only does Apple wow consumers, but it changes the way we think about consumer electronics.
Read the full story at
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sweet Panasonic 3D technology is coming home
Now wait one second before you start on the whole "I'm not wearing any stupid looking glasses," because no matter what you say, there are more people paying extra to go 3D movies than ever and the reason is simple; it's because this isn't like the crappy 3D you saw during the Super Bowl last year -- or that our parents grew up with. No, the 3D that Sony, Panasonic, and others are promising next year is like nothing you've seen. We've come a long way since the old anaglyph red and blue glasses that come in cereal boxes, so before you knock the new technology before it's even out, click through and read about the technologies that might bring us a real 3D revolution.
Read the full story at engadget
Monday, October 26, 2009
Cherkassy, Ukraine War Monument updated
Years ago when a monument was erected in Cherkassy, Ukraine to commemorate the ultimate sacrifice that was made by Russian soldiers during World War II. The huge statue and expansive plaza were capped off by an eternal flame. Unfortunately, when the Soviet Block broke up, the natural gas that had been provided by the government became a luxury so the flame was extinguished.
So the eternal flame sat unlit, a sad commentary to the remembrance of the dead. But how to fix this issue? As cell phone companies came into the area, a need for cell phone towers arose. At some point a solution was reached; a cell phone tower was built in the bowl of the eternal flame and then wrapped with an LED marquee. The marquee now displays the image of a flame in perpetuity.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
New Apple ads
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Top 15 Terminal Commands for Hidden Settings in Snow Leopard
For those who are new to Terminal Commands, here's a quick run down of how to use them. Don't worry, it's really easy. Start by opening up Terminal, located in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder. In the window that appears, paste in one of the lines provided below, and then hit return. For the changes to take effect, you need to restart the application concerned. For applications like the Dock or Finder, it is easiest to just type
killall Dock
or killall Finder
into the Terminal to restart them. To reverse the changes, you just need to change the last word of the command and run it again. If the last word is YES, change it to NO, change 1 to 0, and change TRUE to FALSE and vice versa for all."Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Performance showdown: Windows 7 vs. Snow Leopard
Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity
Кен Робинсон рассуждает о том, как школы подавляют творчество
A visionary cultural leader, Sir Ken led the British government's 1998 advisory committee on creative and cultural education, a massive inquiry into the significance of creativity in the educational system and the economy, and was knighted in 2003 for his achievements. His latest book, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, a deep look at human creativity and education, was published in January 2009.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The pocket spy: Will your smartphone rat you out?
I've just walked into a windowless room on an industrial estate in Tamworth, UK, where three cellphone analysts in blue shirts sit at their terminals, scrutinising the contents of my phone and smirking. "If it's any consolation, we would have found them even if you had deleted them," says one.
Worse, it seems embarrassing text messages aren't the only thing I have to worry about: "Is this a photo of your office?" another asks (the answer is yes). "And did you enjoy your pizza on Monday night? And why did you divert from your normal route to work to visit this address in Camberwell, London, on Saturday?"
I'm at DiskLabs, a company that handles cellphone forensic analysis for UK police forces, but also for private companies and individuals snooping on suspect employees or wayward spouses. Armed with four cellphones, which I have begged, borrowed and bought off friends and strangers, I'm curious to know just how much personal information can be gleaned from our used handsets and SIM cards."
$1.5M Russian SUV Features Diamonds, Whale Penis Leather
Whale penis leather interior. That's all you really need to know about the $1.5 million Dartz Prombron Monaco Red Diamond Edition. Yes, the diamond-encrusted white gold gauges and gold-plated bulletproof windows are impressive, but seriously, whale penis leather interior.
The already bulletproof and wildly over-the-top 8.1 liter GM V8-powered Dartz Kombat T98 is getting a name change to Prombron and along with it will come a complete and brain-maimingly bourgeoisie upgrade with the Monaco Red Diamond Edition. The world's most expensive ultra-luxury SUV will debut at the 2010 Top Marques Monaco show.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Women Are Unhappy? And You're Surprised?
Marcus Buckingham tells us that women are accomplishing more and more and becoming increasingly less happy in the process. As surprising as this might seem to some, my response is more along the lines of, "of course!"
Having read the articles Marcus has written so far, my response is more toward "of course" than "surprise" that women might be experiencing less happiness over the past two decades. To be clear, there's no such thing as "women" in the sense that if you are a woman, then you are necessarily one of these women who, statistically speaking, are less happy. That's an individual experience, and, in my world view, an individual choice. Or more accurately stated, a consequence of individual choices made or avoided - more on this in another article downstream.
In my work on the difference between symbols vs. experience, I have found that many people seem to suffer from the illusion that happiness, satisfaction or fulfillment (experience) are a result of accomplishing some goal or, more to the point, of acquiring something in the material world (symbol).
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Fake antivirus attacks PCs with ransom demand
The Fake antivirus phenomenon has taken an unpleasant turn with the discovery of a Windows program that not only cons users into buying an unnecessary license but appears to lock files and applications on the victim's PC.
According to security company Panda Security, rogueware program Total Security 2009 starts out in conventional fashion with the 'discovery' of a non-existent malware infection for which it demands an unusually ambitious $79.95 (£50), and even has the cheek to ask a further $19.95 for 'premium' technical support.
Read the full story by John E. Dunn , TechWorld
Russian Girl Hot for Words
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sneaky Microsoft plug-in puts Firefox users at risk
"Computerworld - An add-on that Microsoft silently slipped into Mozilla's Firefox last February leaves the browser open to attack, Microsoft's security engineers acknowledged earlier this week.
One of the 13 security bulletins Microsoft released Tuesday affects not only Internet Explorer (IE), but also Firefox, thanks to a Microsoft-made plug-in pushed to Firefox users eight months ago in an update delivered via Windows Update.
"While the vulnerability is in an IE component, there is an attack vector for Firefox users as well," admitted Microsoft engineers in a post to the company's Security Research & Defense blog on Tuesday. "The reason is that .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installs a 'Windows Presentation Foundation' plug-in in Firefox."
The Microsoft engineers described the possible threat as a "browse-and-get-owned" situation that only requires attackers to lure Firefox users to a rigged Web site."
Облако над Москвой Cloud over Moscow city
The video was made on October 7, on the Moscow Ring Road.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Apple Solves iPhone 5.6 Carrier Update Mystery
The Apple rep indicated that the 5.6 carrier file update addresses a specific issue that some iPhone users were experiencing after the 5.5 update enabling MMS was rolled out on Friday, September 25th.
When sending photos or videos in an MMS message, the progress bar would stall at about 90% then result in an error ending with a (!) red exclamation point next to the MMS message. The associated message failed to be properly sent, though standard text messages worked as normal. The 5.6 patch addressed that particular MMS issue. "
BMW’s Hybrid Trike Gets 120 MPG
BMW’s Simple concept–which kinda looks like a Stealth Bomber with training wheels–is a hybrid trike that gets around 120 mpg.
The Simple (which stands for Sustainable and Innovative Mobility Product for Low Energy consumption) does 60 mph in just under ten seconds and has a top speed of 125 mph. The car weighs just over 900 lbs and has a super low drag coefficient of 0.18.
BMW’s target for the concept is the professional commuter. Specifically, those professionals who travel a lot and often alone.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Orange Wine Edges Toward the Mainstream, Slightly
Not long ago I wrote about a wonderful tasting of orange wines. Well, not strictly orange.
The phrase is useful as it pulls together wines with colors actually ranging from pink to vivid orange. They are linked by a technique of leaving freshly crushed juice in contact with grape skins for several days or more. While producers of conventional white wines quickly remove the pigment-laden skins to keep the wine pale, this method of prolonged maceration darkens the juice, while contributing a pleasing tannic structure and a richer texture.
Will airports screen for body signals? Researchers hope so
Scientists part of the Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) program have taken the Wii Fit peripheral and adjusted it to measure how a person shifts their weight. Scientists hope to find "a level of fidgeting that would suggest the need for secondary screening."
The Homeland Security-funded project is Future Attribute Screening Technology, or FAST. Instead of focusing on whether you have hidden explosives or whether you're carrying a weapon, sensors and cameras located at security checkpoints would measure the natural signals coming from your body -- your heart rate, breathing, eye movement, body temperature and fidgeting.
Those physiological signs, measured together, will indicate whether you might have the desire or intent to do harm, project manager Robert Burns said.
"There's been a large field of research that ties your physical reactions to your mental state, your emotional state. We're looking for those signals that your body gives off naturally," Burns said.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Snow Leopard Critical Bug Found -- Guest Login Can Delete Account Data
Describes user "parshallnet" to Apple, "When I logged into my MacBook Pro this morning, it was as if I had logged into my Guest Account and not my standard user profile. No icons on the desktop, the desktop wallpaper was the default 'space' photo and not the one I had assigned, no documents in the docs folder, apps behaved as if I'd never opened them before.”
Data losses in Snow Leopard bug
Users of the new Apple operating system Snow Leopard are experiencing massive data losses when logging into their machines under a guest account.
The problem appears to affect those who had a guest account enabled before upgrading to Snow Leopard.
The problem appears to affect those who had a guest account enabled before upgrading to Snow Leopard.
Users have in some cases lost their entire main profile, including sites, pictures, videos and documents.
The problem, reported by more than 100 users on discussion forums, surfaced shortly after the OS's August release.
Indications are that the Snow Leopard bug simply treats the principal account like a guest account - meaning that the account profile is wiped clean when logging out.
Users who first log into a guest account and then into their normal account have found it to be completely reset to factory default settings, with none of their personal data or files visible.
Continue reading the BBC story
Snow Leopard data-munching bug predates Snow Leopard
Monday, October 12, 2009
Dr Horrible takes over the Emmys
Results of the International Type Design Competition “Modern Cyrillic 2009″ announced
Friday, October 2, 2009
Is the iPhone Ready for Law Firms?
"I have probably 15 people who continue to e-mail me about it," says the IT director at an Am Law 100 firm who asked not to be identified. "This one attorney, he goes out and finds someone who says he can solve any iPhone problem for $175," he says. "These attorneys, they want this thing so much, they are off trying to solve my problems."