Most people expect marriage mates to be sexually faithful to each other. This view of marital fidelity agrees with the Bible, which says: “Let marriage be honorable among all, and the marriage bed be without defilement.”—Hebrews 13:4.
IS REFRAINING from sex with other partners the full extent of what it means to be faithful in marriage? What about sexual fantasies involving someone other than your marriage mate? Could a close friendship with someone of the opposite sex become a form of “infidelity”?
Are Sexual Fantasies Harmless?
The Bible presents sex as a natural and wholesome part of married life, a source of mutual joy and satisfaction. (Proverbs 5:18, 19) But many modern experts believe that it is normal—even healthy—for a married person to fantasize about other sexual partners. Are such fantasies harmless as long as they are not acted upon?
Sexual fantasies typically focus on personal gratification. Such self-centered behavior is contrary to the Bible’s advice for married people.
Continue reading Marital Fidelity What Does It Really Mean?