Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How To Score A Seat On A Private Jet For Less Than You'd Pay To Fly Business Class

"For a small and growing percentage of people, flying is actually improving. Cushy seats, quasi-gourmet snacks, and a brief respite from the crushing masses are available on any of 39,000 private aircraft worldwide, and in the U.S., several private jet companies are now offering flights at prices that equal first- and business-class tickets on commercial airlines.
While Linear Air has been around since 2004 and JetSuite launched SuiteDeals in April 2011, there are three new companies less than six months old: JumpSeat took flight in February, Surf Air in June, and FlyArrow is planning to start flights next month.
Whether for business or pleasure, now's the time to check out your new and improved options—before everyone else catches on."

Read more:

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Microsoft botches six Windows patches in latest Automatic Update

In an amazing tour de force, Microsoft's Automatic Update chute released at least six bad patches on Tuesday. Here's what's amazing: It's just 48 hours or so since the bomb bay doors opened, and Microsoft has acknowledged problems with all of these patches. That's a first, I think -- and the biggest positive development in the Automatic Update minefield I've seen in a long time.

The gory details:

Microsoft botches six Windows patches in latest Automatic Update